You are ready to start building the customer hub inside of the Teachery Platform.

Woohoo!   You've made it to the part of the course where you get to build your customer hub.

To recap, in lesson one you've learned about the importance of creating a journey  for your customers, so that instead of saying thank you and goodbye, you instead say hi come into my world!  

Then, in lesson two, we brainstormed and created content to go inside the customer hub. Finally, in lessons three and four, we created the graphics for the hub using the mood board   as a guide to design them. 

Now, it's time to mix it all together and start building the customer hub inside of the Teachery Platform!   

   Duration:  27 minutes

  Summary:  Learn my process of creating a customer hub inside of Teachery. I take you step by step on how to upload your graphics and content.

  Teachery:  An online course platform created by: Caroline   and Jason Zook  .  I use it to host my courses, but it is so versatile that you can also use it for customer hubs, newsletter hubs, memberships, and more!  Start your free trial or choose from the following price options:

In the previous lesson, I showed you behind the scenes of how I create my customer hub inside of Teachery. Now it's time to style it!  

All I use are four branding colors for my backgrounds, links, and buttons. Then, I give you my CSS Magic Wand to add some nice and simple effects. 

  Duration: 17 minutes

  Summary: Since you already created the hub, now you are going to add your branding colors to the customer hub and add a simple CSS to make it look even better!