Download the mood board template and choose a beautiful color palette for your hub.

I am a self-taught graphic designer  and at the beginning of this journey, I remember I struggle to turn the idea I had in my mind into a beautiful design.  I would stare at a blank page   and didn't know where to start.  Until I discovered the power of creating mood boards before starting a creative project.

A mood board or inspiration board is a collage of images, colors, textures, text, patterns that together evoke a certain feeling. 

My process starts by deciding what personality describes the brand I want to create, then I used those words as keywords to start collecting images from Pinterest and Canva. Finally, using the Canva template I provide, I create a collage and extract a color palette and graphic element ideas from it. I hope you enjoy this exercise and if you like, you can share it with me! 

    Duration:  10 minutes

   Summary:  Learn my process for creating a mood board and download the Canva template below to get started.