Welcome to the Customer Journey Course!  Take every customer on a journey with you!

¡Welcome!    Thank you for deciding to invest in the Customer Journey Course!  My name is María Alejandra and I am excited that you are here!  

At the end of this course, I want you to have the mindset of creating the next step for your customers by providing them with a Customer Hub.  So, instead of being stuck in the cycle of "how do I get the next sale?", you instead think "how can I take this amazing customer that invested in my product on a journey with ME?"    

  Duration: 18 minutes (  Click the video above to watch a sneak peek!)

  Summary:  I show you an example of a customer journey I would like my customers to take after purchasing one of my products.  Learn the way I've been able to open the possibility of turning a one-time transaction into a repeat customer!